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  • Thank you all!! In first instance I've tried the solution of Tonski, this worked fine for me!! It was already possible to connect from PC to VU+ Box. But after changing smb.conf and restarting the network, my VU+ could see all my computers in the network, and also can reach them!!!

  • RE: CCCam

    satmarc - - Dutch Corner


    Ik weet niet of we links naar andere fora mogen plaatsen? Anders even googelen op: cccam original image vu+ Het 3e zoekresultaat moet je hebben. Deze optie werkt ook voor de ultimo, en ook nog steeds met de huidige CCcam versies. Succes ermee!

  • Is IPV6 automatically enabled in WIN7? I thought is has to do with different networking protocols?

  • Hi All, I used the search button, but didn't manage to find the solution in English for my problem...... What is the most easiest way to connect from VTI3.2 with a Windows7 Computer? I used the network browser, and tried to connect by filling in a username + pass. Unfortunately this didn't worked so far. Anybody a solution for this? Thanks! SatMarc

  • Thanks! This helped me a lot also!! Regards, SatMarc

  • Sehr geehrte Forum-Nutzer, Ich mag mich vorstellen: Marc Haag, in den Niederlanden lebt. Besitzt ein VU + DUO, mit das 2,1 VTI Team image. Because my German is really bad I will continue in English. It's an honor to be part of this community. Regards, SatMarc