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  • Hi, I stumbled across the same problem : I could not mount my USB external drive formatted as ExFat or HFS+. When I try to mount it in the VTI "Device Manager" GUI, it says : "Error : can not mount device /dev/sda1. Please check correct mount path and filesystem." After executing the following commands in the SSH command-line as root, it worked mounting it through the GUI : 1. Quellcode (3 Zeilen) Hope it helps, metatech P.S. : I am well aware that the question was from 2017, but I found no answ…

  • ExFat-Platte einhängen

    metatech - - VTi Team Image Vu+ Solo2


    Hi, I stumbled across the same problem : I could not mount my USB external drive formatted as ExFat or HFS+. When I try to mount it in the VTI "Device Manager" GUI, it says : "Error : can not mount device /dev/sda1. Please check correct mount path and filesystem." After executing the following commands in the SSH command-line as root, it worked mounting it through the GUI : Shell-Script (3 Zeilen)Hope it helps, metatech P.S. : I know the question was from 2015, but I found no answer solving my p…