Plugin to remotly access VU+ zero from outside LAN...plz help

    • Plugin to remotly access VU+ zero from outside LAN...plz help

      Hello all members,

      i have recently got a ny new Vu+ Zero and i would like to know if there is any plugin that i can install on it that allow me to remotly access to change my config files.

      My ideia is not to have any remote control or any stream plugin… i am running oscam on it and would like to change my files from outside my LAN.

      I dont know if it is possible to do by any plugin and if not, there is other way to do it?

      Thank you very much in advance for the help.

      Cheers ;)
    • A plugin is not necessary.

      All oscam configs can be change within the oscam webif.
      From outside you can connect to your homenet by VPN or you must set port forwarding in your router for the port of the oscam webif.
    • hgdo schrieb:

      A plugin is not necessary.

      All oscam configs can be change within the oscam webif.
      From outside you can connect to your homenet by VPN or you must set port forwarding in your router for the port of the oscam webif.
      Hello hgdo, thks for the reply.

      The problem is that now i dont have access to the router to open the doors.

      And as i can see, the only way to solve this problem was to get a way to install a plugin or something on the VU+ zero by the instalation plugin menu that allow to edit that oscam files directly on the box.

      You know if it possible?

      Thanks again ;)