Web GUi blocked from VPN access on LAN !!

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    • Web GUi blocked from VPN access on LAN !!


      Here is configuration: I have a bunch of VU Ultimo flashed few years back with Blackhole. Till now from time to time I connect on site using VPN access on site, go on Web GUI to do the scan and then update favorites in it. This time when I try to access the boxes I get a 403.6 IP address rejected error message and so I can't use the WEB GUI ! I thought that blackhole images could not update by itself ??
      After some irvestigations on Internet I found that I had to add that line in the /etc/enigma2/settings file:

      C Source Code

      1. config.OpenWebif.vpn_access=True
      But even after reboot and check option is still there in file, box still blocks me outside ! Any ideas how to unblock that remotely ?

