Ultra Transparent FHD VTi 15.0.2XX

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    • ja das war auch nur Schriftart fix... :D
      Kein Support via PN.!

    • ich habe mit duo4K getestet.
      Alles in Ordnung. Läuft ohne Probleme.
      Es ist in der Tat eine Skin-Revolution.
      Ich denke VTI wird durch diesen Skin von Maggy
      viel aufgewertet.
      Danke für diese tolle Arbeit
    • Gibt ein kleines Problem beim installieren. Permanent -Bitrate hatte ich vorher installiert.

      Spoiler anzeigen

      home of

      /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$
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      | $$ / $$/ | $$ | $$
      \ $$ $$/ | $$ | $$
      \ $$$/ | $$ | $$
      \ $/ | $$ | $$
      \_/ |__/ |__/

      Welcome on your Vu+ !

      root@vuuno4kse:~# cd /tmp
      root@vuuno4kse:/tmp# opkg install *.ipk
      Installing enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd (0.2beta) on root.
      To remove package debris, try `opkg remove enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd`.
      To re-attempt the install, try `opkg install enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd`.
      Collected errors:
      * check_data_file_clashes: Package enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd wants to install file /usr/bin/bitrate_arm But that file is already provided by package * enigma2-plugin-extensions-pemanentbitrate-fhd
      * check_data_file_clashes: Package enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd wants to install file /usr/bin/bitrate_sh4 But that file is already provided by package * enigma2-plugin-extensions-pemanentbitrate-fhd
      * check_data_file_clashes: Package enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd wants to install file /usr/bin/bitrate_mips
      But that file is already provided by package * enigma2-plugin-extensions-pemanentbitrate-fhd
      * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-skin-ultra-transparent-fhd.

      edit: Permanent-Bitrate gelöscht und das Installieren hat funktioniert. (-:

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von stub ()

    • @stub

      teste doch mal mit force-overwrite
      Kein Support via PN.!

    • Ich habe ein paar Skinparts aktiviert und es Crasht jetzt.

      Spoiler anzeigen

      ImportError: No module named EventName2
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 242, in processDelay
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Tools/BoundFunction.py", line 9, in __call__
      return self.fnc(*self.args + args, **newkwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 564, in runNextScreen
      session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(runNextScreen, session, screensToRun[1:]), screen, *args)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 343, in openWithCallback
      dlg = self.open(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/mytest.py", line 354, in open
      dlg.isTmp = True
      AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'isTmp'
      (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method Session.processDelay of <__main__.Session instance at 0x9b5e1e90>>,()) failed)
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2130, in Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection.__onCreate
      File "lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2114, in Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection.setModeTv
      File "lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2101, in Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection.setMode
      File "lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 2338, in Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection.restoreRoot
      File "lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 1276, in Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelectionBase.enterPath
      File "lib/python/Screens/ChannelSelection.py", line 1183, in Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelectionBase.setRoot
      File "lib/python/Components/ServiceList.py", line 543, in Components.ServiceList.ServiceList.setMode
      AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'size'
      (PyObject_CallObject(<bound method ChannelSelection.__onCreate of <class 'Screens.ChannelSelection.ChannelSelection'>>,()) failed)
    • alles ok, wird gefixt
      Kein Support via PN.!

    • Neues Update, Converter fix... :thumbsup:

      Kein Support via PN.!

    • @Maggy

      Thank you for this wonderful work
      I hope to work on the Style list
      In adding colors and degree of transparency
      • 0_0_0.jpg

        (247,72 kB, 68 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von khaled cr7 ()

    • <widget position="240,973" size="1035,40" source="ServiceEvent" render="Label" font="Regular; 30" halign="left" backgroundColor="background" zPosition="2" transparent="1">
      <convert type="EventName2">PrimeTimeWithDuration</convert>

      EventName2 fehlt noch unter /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/Converter

      Absturz bei skin_ChannelSelection_AEL_Image.xml ;)
    • @khaled cr7

      So once again, there will not be any other colors... i have already written that.
      please look for another skin!

      this is Ultra Transparent FHD skin, and it will remain so, end of the story!
      Kein Support via PN.!

    • Neues Update... :D

      fix skinpart - skin_ChannelSelection_AEL_Image
      Kein Support via PN.!

    • Hallo Maggy, ich hoffe es Hilft dir hier mal meine log Datei es war die Beta 04 Installiert.
    • @Blume78

      crash log angeschaut bei mir ist derselbe converter installiert alles läuft ohne probleme... ;(
      Kein Support via PN.!

    • @Blume78

      ich sende dir nachher per PN eine ipk Datei bitte testen
      Kein Support via PN.!