RakutenTV Plugin

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    • Kannst du bitte die ipk checken? Bei mir wurde direkt im root-Verzeichnis der Ordner RakutenTV angelegt und nicht unter \usr\lib\enigma2\python\Plugins\Extensions
    • Letztes Update funktioniert hier nicht mehr mit ATV 7.3,es ist nicht mehr möglich die Senderlisten zu aktualisieren,kommt sofort Fehlermeldung,mit Vorletztes Update passt da noch alles.
      Mutant HD51 / Axas HIS 4K Combo / Xtrend 8000/9200 / osmini / OS Nino+ / xpeed lx class s2
    • Hi @Billy2011

      The latest version of the plugin from 23.06.25 works great.
      Thank you for taking the time to create it.

      I noticed that creating a PL bouquet works after setting the home region to Poland
      So the rakuten-pl.m3u list is no longer needed, I only need to update the m3u list for UK. :)

      This is my suggestion to make it possible to create a bouquet for a given region with the possibility of choosing only one player.
      Currently, with the Service 2 setting, we get duplicate entries in all created bouquets.

      I tested it a bit and it seems that most of the bouquets work with the 4097 and 5002 player.
      The only problem is the UK bouquet where several channels work only with the 5001 player.

      It would be great if you could create bouquets as it is in the Pluto TV plugin, where after selecting a regional bouquet, we have the option of specifying with which player this particular bouquet is to cooperate, and we can create another regional bouquet with a completely different player.

      Such functionality would be very useful in a Rakuten TV plugin.
    • azman schrieb:

      This is my suggestion to make it possible to create a bouquet for a given region with the possibility of choosing only one player.
      Currently, with the Service 2 setting, we get duplicate entries in all created bouquets.
      You can set Service 2 to "NONE" to use only one service.

      azman schrieb:

      I tested it a bit and it seems that most of the bouquets work with the 4097 and 5002 player.
      The only problem is the UK bouquet where several channels work only with the 5001 player.
      Please try the setting with Player service "5001" instead of "4097".
    • Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my previous post.

      The point is that I generate a PL bouquet with player 4097 and a UK bouquet with player 5001, but I want only single entries for channels in the generated bouquets.

      Bouquet generated using only one player 4097

      Bouquet generated using two players 4097 and 5001

      It would be great if you could indicate for each region which player is to be used to play channels in the bouquet generated for this region.
      PL - 4097
      UK - 5001
      And it would not generate two entries in a single regional bouquet
      Rakuten VIKI[4097]
      Rakuten VIKI[5001]

      Switching through the channels in a given bouquet would be much more pleasant.

      I checked it roughly and it seems that in all bouquets the channels work with the 5001 player.
      So it's not a must have but it would be nice if it was possible.


      I noticed that after setting the plugin's home region to PL and setting "Update home region" to Yes, everything works great, it updates the PL region from the jason file.
      But after exiting the plugin and re-entering the menu, the NO flag appears next to the "Update home region" option.
      It's like it doesn't remember these settings.
      There is no problem when we set the home region to DE then the settings are remembered.
    • azman schrieb:

      I checked it roughly and it seems that in all bouquets the channels work with the 5001 player.
      So it's not a must have but it would be nice if it was possible.
      Since I have the work with it, it stays as it is.

      azman schrieb:

      I noticed that after setting the plugin's home region to PL and setting "Update home region" to Yes, everything works great, it updates the PL region from the jason file.
      But after exiting the plugin and re-entering the menu, the NO flag appears next to the "Update home region" option.
      This is what I wanted, because e.g. it is not necessary to update the home region every 5 hours.
    • Billy2011 schrieb:

      Es sollte jetzt auch wieder mit PY3 funzen und beim nächsten Mal bitte ein Debuglog posten.
      Sorry,hatte Heut Morgen nur Zeit es zu installieren und zu Testen,danach musste ich wieder weg,beim nächtem Mal dann auch mit Debuglog.Gerade letztes Update von Heute getestet und nun wieder alles im grünen Bereich,Danke nochmals.
      Mutant HD51 / Axas HIS 4K Combo / Xtrend 8000/9200 / osmini / OS Nino+ / xpeed lx class s2
    • Update als .json für BE, ES, FR, NL, UK
      Neu (noch nicht im Plugin) als.json für AT, CH, CZ, FI

      "at": {"classification_id": "300","locale": "de","market_code": "at",},
      "ch": {"classification_id": "319","locale": "ch","market_code": "ch",},
      "fi": {"classification_id": "284","locale": "fi","market_code": "fi",},
      "cz": {"classification_id": "272","locale": "cs","market_code": "cz",},

      epg_languages = {"at": "de-AT","ch": "de-CH", "fi": "en-US","cz": "en-US",}
    • Fellfresse schrieb:

      Update als .json für BE, ES, FR, NL, UK
      Neu (noch nicht im Plugin) als.json für AT, CH, CZ, FI

      "at": {"classification_id": "300","locale": "de","market_code": "at",},
      "ch": {"classification_id": "319","locale": "ch","market_code": "ch",},
      "fi": {"classification_id": "284","locale": "fi","market_code": "fi",},
      "cz": {"classification_id": "272","locale": "cs","market_code": "cz",},

      epg_languages = {"at": "de-AT","ch": "de-CH", "fi": "en-US","cz": "en-US",}
      Great thanks.

      We have just to put them in the data directory and remove the m3u?