No LNB TYPE for SCR unicable

    • No LNB TYPE for SCR unicable

      Hi, I just installed VTI 15.0.2 to SOLO 4k and there is no option to choose LOF : SCR Unicable ?!?
      Just Universal and 2 others..
      I came from OpenPLI there is option for Unicable included in firmware.
      How can I get SCR unicable option in LNB TYPE / LOF ???

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von dreak ()

    • SCR's are the frequencies, and you set them further down.

      However, the Vu(or just VTi) starts counting at 0.

      An alle Neulinge und auch einige alte Hasen: Bitte denkt an eine Sicherung.
      BackupSuite und Image-Backup sind kein Hexenwerk, und ruckzuck erledigt!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von TomKruhs ()

    • This should already be the right option with LOF -> "Unicable / JESS", so nothing more is needed.
      The other important options are already correct:
      Channel -> "SCR 1" (=correct, maybe you can change it to "SCR 0" if available?)
      Frequency -> "1210" is also correct because of SCR 1 above.

      Is something wrong with your Solo 4K? Are you not receiving any channels?
      Wer schweigt, stimmt nicht immer zu.
      Er hat nur manchmal keine Lust, mit Idioten zu diskutieren.
      (Autor unbekannt)
    • Which options do you have in the field LOF?

      Here are my options:
      • Universal LNB
      • C-Band
      • User defined
      • Unicable
    • If you make major changes to your tuner settings you should delete your existing settings with KEY-yellow before.

      Some settings may be blocked because of settings in other tuners.

      Then select LOF = Unicable.

      In the next line then you can select either LNB or Matrix or user defined. Select LNB.

      In the next 2 lines now you can select Manufacturer and Type of your LNB.

      Edit: I've just read the LNB using Waffel - that is, if you use a Unicable-LNB. For a multiswitch select 'Unicable Matrix' instead.
      Skin: Nemesis FHD (mit vielen eigenen Skinparts), MyEPG, EMC, OScam 1.20 rev.11682, ORF-Karte, MCC MovieCutCenter

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von WeFraJo ()

    • hgdo schrieb:

      Which options do you have in the field LOF?

      Here are my options:
      • Universal LNB
      • C-Band
      • User defined
      • Unicable

      I have 2x VU+ Solo 4K at home, so this is not some random error.

      Here are my options in :
      • Universal LNB
      • C-Band
      • User defined
      • Circular LNB
      • KA-SAT

      How ever I just found out workaround, if I press several times > right button really fast, sometimes I will get UNICABLE options. So I"m OK for now, but I think you will need to test these with more people... not sure how many users use UNICABLE, but I think it's just a few, so nobody really cares....

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von dreak ()

    • dreak schrieb:

      but I think you will need to test these with more people... not sure how many users use UNICABLE, but I think it's just a few, so nobody really cares
      This is why I advised you to reset settings with yellow key.
      Skin: Nemesis FHD (mit vielen eigenen Skinparts), MyEPG, EMC, OScam 1.20 rev.11682, ORF-Karte, MCC MovieCutCenter
    • dreak schrieb:

      sure how many users use UNICABLE, but I think it's just a few, so nobody really cares...
      I am pretty sure, there are lots of unicable users here, but your problem seems unique, so nobody (or very few users) ever had this problem.
      At least, I never had this problem when I used an Unicable LNB in my previous flat on 2 boxes
      ACHTUNG!!!! Hier folgt eine Signatur:

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    • I have never seen this before. That's why I didn't understand the problem at all.
      I have the same selection as @hgdo.
      Maybe the tip from @WeFraJo helps.
      An alle Neulinge und auch einige alte Hasen: Bitte denkt an eine Sicherung.
      BackupSuite und Image-Backup sind kein Hexenwerk, und ruckzuck erledigt!
    • dreak schrieb:

      I made clean install from USB, so don't really understand why to do that?
      I really don't want to find out if there any and which settings for tuners in a clean installation of VTI.
      But I know that there is a problem making major changes (especially when using Unicable) if settings are not reset. It's just one click.

      An example:
      If you change from matrix to lnb having all tuners allready installed with matrix you won't succeed.
      Skin: Nemesis FHD (mit vielen eigenen Skinparts), MyEPG, EMC, OScam 1.20 rev.11682, ORF-Karte, MCC MovieCutCenter

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von WeFraJo ()