VU+ UNO 4K SE: Plugin/add-on "PVR CLIENTS" or "PVR iptv simple client"

    • VU+ UNO 4K SE: Plugin/add-on "PVR CLIENTS" or "PVR iptv simple client"

      Hello Forum.

      Happy new year to everyone.

      Are any of you able to explain how I can get the ad-on (to KODI); "PVR iptv simple" client installed - and get it configured. ???

      I have without any luck attempted to find it. I would like to locate it somehow - because I need to setup IPTV on the VU+ box.
      I did launch KODI - but I can not find the ad-on anywhere.
      I had found some information saying that I could find PVR IPTV SIMPLE CLIENT - by following this path in KODI:
      System settings - Add-ons - Install from reposition - All repositories - PVR clients - IPTV SIMPLE CLIENT.
      (I did see this in guides from November 2023 - so I wonder why I'm not able to find anything in the KODI version that is installed on my VU box).
      In KODI I also found "Kodi ad-on repositories" - but there was nothing either.

      PS - sorry for a couple off threads before this. Earlier this evening - I did make a factory resetting of the STB - because I did expect that doing so - would somehow make me able to find the client.
      BUT the factory resetting became a nightmare. After that It looked like I had lost the connection to the internal hdd - and lost the option for setting the recording paths completely.
      Fortunatelly this is ok now - after that I have turned off and on the box 3 times - I was able to setup the recording paths again - incl. building up the bookmarks and folders that I wanted.
      But after this I don't think that I'm gone to make a factory resetting anymore.

      BR BENNY