VFD Skin

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    • Could you post here your modifications VFD skins?
      There are some issues to solve.
      TV show name is too big. It gets onto program name picon.
      What to do to change that. What should I mod?
    • You always help me to set all things right. I know I should mod skin_vfd_vti_I.xml if I'm using one. But even if I change tv show font size on lcd roller the picon gets onto the show name.
      I would like to make fonts smaller and picon size smaller as well.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von kapciu75 ()

    • If you increased font size of event widget, you have to small down the x-size of this widget.
      But notice, if you do it the number of shown letters is decreased

      If you want to decrease picon size, you have to reduce size of the picon png's (try it with IrfanView and the batch functions of this software)
    • RE: Is this skin for Vu+ Uno ?

      VFD-Skin.xml files are only for Ultimo.
      KAPIERVORGANG beendet.

      Zubehör : Philips 46PFL-9705 / 37PFL-9604, Samsung HT-E6759W, Samsung SPF 107H-105P-87H, Qnap TS-253A, Harmony 650, Fritzbox 7490, Cisco WAP4410N, Netgear M4100-D12G, TPLink HS100/HS110/LB110