Remote stream channel converter

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    • Remote stream channel converter

      Hello I can't get Remote Channel stream converter to work with Solo4k and VTI.
      I can import bouquets from Solo4k to Duo2 and Solo2 but the channel does not stream and timeouts.
      I can import bouquets from Duo2 or Solo2 to Solo4k but the channel does not stream and times out.
      I can import and stream between Duo2 and Solo2 fine.
    • Here it works from Solo4K to Duo2 in both directions .
      You dont use trancoding from remote Box ?
      KAPIERVORGANG beendet.

      Zubehör : Philips 46PFL-9705 / 37PFL-9604, Samsung HT-E6759W, Samsung SPF 107H-105P-87H, Qnap TS-253A, Harmony 650, Fritzbox 7490, Cisco WAP4410N, Netgear M4100-D12G, TPLink HS100/HS110/LB110
    • Remotestreamchannel converter with transcoding (on solo4K)?
      I dont think so...
      But I also tried to import the channels from the solo4K to my Duo2, but have the same problem as the threadstarter. (I tried it only once immediately after the firsrt inatallm thn I didnt try furthre, but I suspect the solo4K with VTI9 has a problem with streaming at all. (see my Post here:
      VTi 9.0.x Vu+ Solo 4K (Support Thread)
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      Profil extra angepasst für die arme Emma, die sonst nichts im Leben hat :happy1: